FD066 De France
by Vive Les Cones


1.Le Fin
2.Machine à Vapeur
4.Je Ne Sais Pas
5.Chic Chic
6.Monsieur Ballon
7.Durant La Viage
8.Café Au Lait
11.Cés Journées

Jean-Luc Mocard met Jean Ronde in September of 2009, while working at the CASIO Palaiseau factory, near Paris. They both played on solo tours throughout Europe and Asia, but eventually their furious passion for collecting 80’s keyboards pushed them together to form a duo. Now based in Porto by a matter of pure chance, Vive Les Cônes has become a Casio explosion, the fuel of a dancing machine that never stops, cherry picking and referencing their favourite moments from dance and pop music culture. “De France”, their first album is the product of years of training and mastering the perfect CASIO playing technique, the upcoming album collects in one spectacular place the meticulously crafted tracks that set dance floors on fire throughout the world.

released November 28, 2022

Toutes les chansons écrites et interprétées par Jean Ronde et Jean-Luc Mocard, à l'exception de Cés Journées (Etude 5) écrit par Emmanuel Séjourné.

Assemblage par Ruca Bourbon.
Désigné par Jean-Luc Mocard (Outer Sleeve) et Jean Ronde (Inner Sleeve).
Enregistrement par Vive Les Cônes
Mixage par Jean-Luc Mocard
Mastérisation par Rafael Silva

Institutional Partner
República Portuguesa - Ministério da Cultura

